Sustainable Living

Get to Know our 5 Fantastic Climate Change Collective Bloggers

For over a year now we’ve been a part of a great group of bloggers called the Climate Change Collective that have a monthly conversation through our blogs about climate change.

There have been some visiting Climate Change Collective bloggers through the months, but our core group of participants are: Jamie, from JamieAdStories, Michelle from Boomer Eco Crusader, Molly from Transatlantic Notes, Caroline from Enviroline Blog, and Krista and I from A Sustainably Simple Life.

I love how we’ve all come together to talk about big topics such as the difference between weather and climate, food security, and climate change myths. There is so much more to these blogs and bloggers than our Climate Change Collective posts, though, so I wanted to introduce each of these amazing bloggers to you.

Climate Change Collective
Photo Credit: Michelle at Boomer Eco Crusader

What is the Climate Change Collective ?

In case you are new to our Climate Change Collective series, here is a quick recap of what it is.

This idea was started by Jamie and Michelle in the comment section of Jamie’s blog. The idea grew into this group of bloggers who want to have regular conversations about climate change to help create the urgency needed around the topic and to keep the subject of climate change visible.

Every month, one of the ClimateChange Collective bloggers will write a lead post about a relevant topic. Then each other collective member will write a response post related to the month’s topic.

It has been a fantastic way to explore various ideas related to climate change and to learn from each other’s perspectives.

photo of people near wooden table
Photo by fauxels on

Who makes up the Climate Change Collective?

The Climate change Collective is open to any bloggers that want to take part in these conversations. (If you want to join in, let us know!)

The Climate Change Collective Bloggers

As I mentioned, we’ve had a number of bloggers participating in our Climate Change Collective over the months we’ve been writing our conversations, but there are five main bloggers that make up the cores of this group.

I asked everyone for to share a post from their blog that they were proud of or really enjoyed writing that I could share with you all, so those are included below along with some of my faves.

1. Boomer Eco Crusader

Michelle from Boomer Eco Crusader is one of the first bloggers I connected with way back when Krista and I started our blog. I was so excited to meet a fellow Canadian blogger who was writing about a similar topic. Michelle is located on the opposite side of the country in Ontario and it’s so interesting to see the similarities and also some differences with our experiences

Here’s a little bit more about Michelle:

Michelle’s belief that each of us has an opportunity, and a responsibility, to make a difference in the world led her to launch Boomer Eco Crusader in 2019. From the outset, her goal was to share simple changes anyone can make to live a greener, more sustainable life. Over time, the scope has expanded to decluttering, simplifying, and getting the most out of life. Because it’s all connected.

When I asked Michelle for a post that she wanted to share, she thought of this one, which is such a great read: The Big Lie of Convenience Culture.

If you follow us on social media, you’ve seen me share this post of Michelle’s every Christmas season. If you have not bookmarked this recipe, you totally should. It is one of my favourite things to make and share with others. Check it out here: Simple and Delicious Breton Brittle

One other fun thing about Michelle’s blog is the number of creative collaborations she does. This is a guest post that I wrote for one such collaboration called “Clutter Tales.” Read my guest post here: Clutter Tales — A Treasure Tin of Memories

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2. Transatlantic Notes

Transatlantic Notes quickly became one of my favourite blogs and has stayed as that throughout my years of blogging and networking. Molly has a wonderful way with words and thoughtfully takes apart big issues to make them easy to understand. Whether she’s writing about a big current event topic, a mental health topic, or a personal growth one, I always feel like I can learn something from Molly’s posts.

Here’s a little bit more about Molly’s blog:

A U.S. based lifestyle blog that aims to explore the news events, social and environmental issues, and wellness practices that connect us all.

When I asked Molly for a post to share, I was so happy she chose one of her poems. Over the past couple of years I’ve taken up reading poetry again and Molly’s poems are always a beautiful read. This one in particular tends to resonate and comfort her readers, so I hope you enjoy reading it: Hidden Strength and Survival: A Path Forward (A Poem)

One of the reasons I gravitate towards Molly’s blog and her writing is the level of honesty and transparency that she has. There are so many posts I could link to for examples of this, but this recent post is a beautiful and touching example: Remembering Dad and the Words of Love Left Unspoken

3. Enviroline Blog

Caroline is another blogger that I connected with at the beginning of our blogging journey. There was an immediate connection with Caroline because we’re both passionate about the environment, but in addition to that, she is such a sweet person so it was easy to become blogging pals.

Caroline’s blog, Enviroline Blog, resonated with me because she not only writes about sustainability and the environment, but also shares about her recovery from having an eating disorder.

Here’s a little more about Caroline from her site:

I’m Caroline and I share my love for the environment here. I have been passionate about being more eco-friendly. I decided to start this blog to share tips and tricks on making your everyday life more sustainable.

I have been an animal lover since I was a child. During my 2nd year of university, I rediscovered my love for being outside in nature. Since then, I have been sharing how to attract nature and which species to see when.

Caroline wrote an amazing round up of our Climate Change Collective posts recently, so if you’re wanting to catch up on or revisit any of our posts, you can check out her recap here: Climate Change Collective update

During the pandemic, Caroline gave me the opportunity to share about my experience with having an eating disorder and how Covid triggered that. It isn’t something that I talk about often, but I do think it’s an important topic to discuss. I love how open Caroline is about the topic and was happy to be able to share on her site. Read my post here: How getting covid triggered my eating disorder

Caroline also deserves a little extra shout out for recently graduating from Uni!

4. Jamie AdStories

Jamie, along with Michelle, is one of the bloggers that created the Climate Change Collective. Jamie is a blogger and writer I look up to because of how much he’s accomplished and how he’s become a published writer. His website, Jamie AdStories, is truly diverse. Like Molly, Jamie writes poetry and he also writes about travel and gives great, honest movie reviews. It’s always fun to get a snapshot into Jamie’s life and world with each post he writes.

Here’s a little more about Jamie from his site:

I am a new independently published author with a history as a teacher and a dream to write short stories, novellas and scripts. From now on, I shall be blogging my way through the process of becoming a writer for a living and sharing my stories. With a theme of ‘lifestyle’ and a bookish tendency, my blog is fairly eclectic.

When I asked Jamie for a post to share, he chose this one that is a great example of what you can find on his blog: 15 Simple Life Hacks That Can Change Your Life

One of my recent(ish) favourites is from Jamies travels in Switzerland. I lived in Switzerland for a while in my 20’s, so these posts had me reminiscing about some fun adventures. Check out one of these posts here: Basel, A Hidden Gem

5. A Sustainably Simple Life

And, of course, us! Krista and I have been writing about sustainable living for about three years now and we love all of the connections we’ve been able to make through our blog. We like to focus on cost-effective sustainable living because life is expensive and being eco-friendly shouldn’t have to be.

A couple of posts I’ve that I’ve written that I’ve felt proud of are these ones:

What do Finances have to do with Living Life Sustainably

How Our Need to Shop is Ruining Our Planet

And I hesitated on including this one since it’s so seasonal, but I really enjoyed writing this one:
How to Have a Sustainable 12 Days of Christmas

Climate Change Collective Posts

I hope you’ll spend some time exploring each of our Climate Change Collective blogger’s sites and that you enjoy getting to know them!

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