Plastic Free July: 8 Types of Plastic to Know About
In our modern world many types of plastic play key roles in our daily lives, but they also have significant negative impact on our daily lives. From packaging materials to automotive parts, and medical devices to household items, plastics are everywhere. However, not all plastics are created equal. Understanding the different types of plastics, including the emerging category of bioplastics, can help us make more informed decisions about their use, recycling, and impact on ourselves and the environment. 1. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or PETE) Polyethylene Terephthalate, commonly known as PET, is a strong, lightweight plastic widely used in packaging, especially for beverages and food. It is considered to be a…
31 Plastic Free Swaps for Plastic Free July
It’s one of our favourite months of the year: Plastic Free July! It’s a month of collaborative ideas and a social media movement all about going plastic free. Plastic is so prevalent in our lives that we can fail to notice that it’s there. This is why it’s so great that Caroline from Enviroline Blog has started this month’s Climate Change Collective conversation by talking about small steps we can take for Plastic Free July because small steps can make a huge impact. I’m adding to the conversation by sharing 31 plastic free swaps you make make this month. [I]f we all take small steps it can lead to a…
What to Know About Plastic Free July
It’s hard to believe it, but it’s July again! Every year, Plastic Free July inspires millions of people to rethink their plastic consumption and take small but impactful actions to reduce single-use plastics in their daily lives. This month-long challenge, initiated by the Plastic Free Foundation in 2011, raises awareness about the environmental impacts of plastic pollution and encourages sustainable habits. Alison and I look forward to this month as a chance to dive deep into issues around plastic, share our experiments with changes, and adopt new and better ways of going about daily life. Next week Alison will be sharing some of our favourite plastic swaps discovered over the…
Introducing Goodwash Soap and their Plastic Free Soap Products
|PR| This post contains sponsored content. As always, all thoughts are our own. Please read more on our Privacy Policy and Disclaimers Page. Small businesses on a mission to do good are one of my favourite things. It’s so encouraging to see people creating ways to improve life on our planet through products that reduce environmental impacts, packaging that has minimal waste, and using profits to give back to communities. When we met Susana from Goodwash Soap, it was clear she was on a mission to do all of these things. I’m excited to share about this woman-led business with you all and talk a little bit about sustainable soap. And keep…
How to go Plastic Free with your Toilet Paper
Living a sustainable life means finding ways to eliminate unnecessary waste from our lives. So, speaking of waste, I decided to explore the idea of plastic free toilet paper and what that practically looks like in my life. Talking about what happens in the bathroom (and on the toilet particularly) isn’t the most comfortable thing for everyone, so plastic free toilet paper isn’t something I hear about very often. Let’s change that! And let’s talk about what it means to use environmentally friendly toilet paper. Why is toilet paper a problem for our planet? When I first started thinking about alternatives to toilet paper, it was actually because of the…
5 Easy and Sustainable Alternatives to Plastic Wrap
Plastic wrap is a convenience item, so it can be an overlooked single-use plastic in our kitchens. Since it’s easy to replace, I’m sharing five sustainable alternatives to plastic wrap for storing your food. Being able to properly store food is an important part of saving food waste. And since food waste contributes to climate change, it’s an important issue. Growing up we used a lot of plastic wrap for packing lunches and storing leftovers, so it can be tempting to stick with the familiar ways of doing things. After taking part in multiple Plastic Free July’s I’ve been eliminating plastic wherever I can and plastic wrap was an easy…