6 Easy appetizers you can make with pantry staples
Are you planning a get-together or need something to bring to a holiday gathering? I find that planning and purchasing the ingredients for appetizers can be fun but also a bit overwhelming because there are so many amazing recipes! Inevitably I find myself at the grocery store buying expensive ingredients I don’t usually use – and so may not use all of. This week I started thinking about how helpful it would be for budget, food waste and overall simplicity purposes if I could make several easy appetizers with ingredients that I already have on hand. I started to look around for recipes that will use items I already have…
Simple and sustainable holidays: Four ideas for a meaningful season
Every year my hope is that the Christmas season brings chances to celebrate and create wonderful memories with loved ones. However, it’s also a time when we tend to spend a lot of time and resources gathering the things we think we need for a meaningful time of celebration. Last year I left preparations a bit late and ended up feeling quite anxious about the whole thing! As a result, this year I’m trying to slow down, appreciate the small and quiet moments of the season, and generally pack less onto the shopping list and calendar. However, there are still gifts to be bought, celebrations to plan and events to…
Turn Dreaming into Practical Steps: 3 Financial Necessities to Change your Life
Changing our lives, whether it be a career change or a change of location, can be daunting. Every change comes with a financial cost to it and that can be a hindrance to us following through on our dreams. I’ve been dreaming with a friend lately about some big life changes, so I wanted to share how some essential financial habits can help make those dreams a reality. My Journey to Making Life Changes I’m going to preface this entire post with the fact that I’m not an accountant, nor a financial advisor, nor anyone qualified/educated to give financial advice. Financial decisions are very personal and should be talked through…
10 Reasons to Keep Track of Every Purchase you Make
It has been a while since I’ve written a post about finances, so am diving back in with something I’m passionate about doing: I keep track of every purchase I make. Doing this is one of the things that helped change my financial habits and helped me gain control of my finances, but often people react negatively to the idea. Because of that, I want to share 10 reasons to keep track of every purchase. Looking Closely at our Finances A number of years ago I was in a financially abusive relationship which left me in a pretty poor financial state once I got out. Rebuilding my life and regaining…
Climate Change Collective: Sustainable and Simple Change
What are sustainable and simple change? This week on the blog I’m sharing our response to the monthly Climate Change Collective lead post about sustainable and simple change. This month the lead post shares several Tiny Steps to Save the Planet as encouragement that collectively we can all do small things that add up to large impact…and these small things don’t have to take up a lot of time and money. Our blog name was born as Alison and I thought about the changes we wanted to make in our lives as a response to issues in our world, but also wanted to recognize that these changes would have to…
10 Reasons to Shop at Thrift Stores (and 3 fun things I’ve found recently!)
Thrift stores are some of my favourite places, but I get that not everyone is ready to embrace the idea of shopping second hand stores. If you’re wondering why to do so, I’m sharing 10 reasons to shop at thrift stores and also have a few fun things to share that I’ve found second hand. 10 Reasons to Shop at Thrift Stores From living sustainably to having fun, there are so many reasons to shop at thrift stores. Here are 10 reasons to consider if you’re wondering why to shop second hand. 1. Reduces textile waste Thrift stores give clothes a second life, diverting them from landfills where they would…