Unique Plastic Solutions: 6 Innovations for a Greener Future
Plastic Free July 2024 is drawing to a close and the month seems to have gone by so quickly! Over the last few weeks Alison and I have shared about topics such as: After diving into the negative health and environmental effects of the many phases and types of plastic, I thought it would be interesting to share a few of the innovations and creative solutions that are emerging to tackle this serious issue that affects us all. After all, as much as many of us are trying to reduce or eliminate our plastic use, what can be done with the vast quantities of plastic currently in existence? Though plastic…
Looking into the Life Cycle of Plastic
Plastic Free July is all about minimizing the plastic in our lives, but why is plastic so bad? A part of the problem is that plastic does not break down. Plastic is not biodegradable, so it takes hundreds of years for plastic to go anywhere. There is an entire life cycle of plastic before it gets to the garbage bin, though, so I want to take a look at this and see how else plastic hurts our planet. This post is a part of our Climate Change Collective conversations. We’re happy to contribute the lead post for the conversation this month. Learn more about the Climate Change Collective below. Plastic…
Plastic Free July: 8 Types of Plastic to Know About
In our modern world many types of plastic play key roles in our daily lives, but they also have significant negative impact on our daily lives. From packaging materials to automotive parts, and medical devices to household items, plastics are everywhere. However, not all plastics are created equal. Understanding the different types of plastics, including the emerging category of bioplastics, can help us make more informed decisions about their use, recycling, and impact on ourselves and the environment. 1. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or PETE) Polyethylene Terephthalate, commonly known as PET, is a strong, lightweight plastic widely used in packaging, especially for beverages and food. It is considered to be a…
31 Plastic Free Swaps for Plastic Free July
It’s one of our favourite months of the year: Plastic Free July! It’s a month of collaborative ideas and a social media movement all about going plastic free. Plastic is so prevalent in our lives that we can fail to notice that it’s there. This is why it’s so great that Caroline from Enviroline Blog has started this month’s Climate Change Collective conversation by talking about small steps we can take for Plastic Free July because small steps can make a huge impact. I’m adding to the conversation by sharing 31 plastic free swaps you make make this month. [I]f we all take small steps it can lead to a…
What to Know About Plastic Free July
It’s hard to believe it, but it’s July again! Every year, Plastic Free July inspires millions of people to rethink their plastic consumption and take small but impactful actions to reduce single-use plastics in their daily lives. This month-long challenge, initiated by the Plastic Free Foundation in 2011, raises awareness about the environmental impacts of plastic pollution and encourages sustainable habits. Alison and I look forward to this month as a chance to dive deep into issues around plastic, share our experiments with changes, and adopt new and better ways of going about daily life. Next week Alison will be sharing some of our favourite plastic swaps discovered over the…