6 Reasons Why to Support Small and Local Businesses
Krista and I love to support small businesses. We have been especially inspired by the passionate and visionary women entrepreneurs we have come to know this year.
Owning a small business is not an easy venture, but 2020 has been an even more challenging time to own one. Continued varying levels of lockdowns and restrictions have meant less people visiting stores and 63% of small businesses are reporting a decrease in sales. Small businesses need our help (re: our shopping dollars) more than ever this year.
But why is shopping at small businesses a good thing? And why is it important to support these local, small businesses that are struggling?
Here are 6 reasons why.
6 Reasons to Support Small Businesses
1. Small Businesses Provide Jobs
Small businesses provide employment to Canadians. But how much employment can small businesses provide? As of 2017, small businesses employed almost 70% of the private labour force (or 8.3 million Canadians).
2. Small Businesses are Innovative
Where large corporations are focused on their bottom line, small business owners are creative and are focused on filling a need in their communities. Like Make Nice Company, who started to make solid dish soap when she couldn’t find an alternative to soap in plastic bottles.
3. Small Business Owners are your Neighbours
Supporting a small business means you are directly supporting someone’s dream and someone’s family instead of a large corporation. Buying from a small business impacts a real person’s life–someone that lives in your community.
4. Small Businesses Circulate Money into the Community
It just makes sense. When you spend money in your community, it will be re-circulated back into your community. “Micro businesses employ local citizens and are an economic engine that causes cash to move through the community’s economy.”- Journal of Extension
5. Small Businesses Support your Community
Have you seen the memes out there that tell you to support small businesses because Amazon is not going to sponsor your soccer team? That’s true. Small businesses give more time, merchandise, and money than corporations do.
6. Small Businesses are Unique
While large corporations and chain stores have the same items scattered throughout all of their locations, each small business is going to be a uniquely curated selection done by the owners.
Supporting Small Businesses Supports a Bigger Picture
When we looked at sustainable fashion options during our series this summer, it became apparent that large production of mass quantities of merchandise that are travelling from distant places has a large, negative impact on the environment.
Small businesses often operate on a small batch basis, creating less waste. Small businesses will often source materials and partnerships with other small businesses, creating a beneficial loop for the environment and the local economy.
There are just so many reasons to shop small!
What are other people saying about small businesses?
We asked our Twitter community why they love to support small businesses and one respondent puts it like this:
“I like to support small businesses because I know I am helping put food on a family’s table rather than funding a CEO’s new vacation home.” – The Thrifty Commitment
Small business owners feel that love! We asked small business owners what it means to them to have someone support their business.
Here’s what business owners are saying:
“It makes me hopeful that some customers share the same vision as I for durable products that don’t cost the earth, nor its people.” – A. Plavis, Recreative Apparel
“I appreciate it every time someone supports my business because they’re also supporting my dreams and helping me build my dream life. I’m very grateful that someone chose to invest in my products & services :)” – Izzy Matias
“We still call our parents when we get a big order.” – Eco Bumble
Shopping at small businesses means you are directly supporting the dreams of others and that support is clearly not taken for granted.
Why do you love to support small businesses?
Michelle (Boomer Eco Crusader)
This is so important, especially now. We’re seeing many small businesses close because of the pandemic restrictions. This makes me sad because it’s these businesses that give character to our towns and cities that we’ll never get from the large corporations. I am going to try to patronize small business as much as I can this Christmas.
A Sustainably Simple Life
I’ve been thinking so much about these same things. I love the character that small businesses bring to our towns too. I grew up in a small town where there were no big businesses and value that so much more as I’ve gotten older.
I really love local business because they have unique stuff, and during this time they will be the worst affected!
A Sustainably Simple Life
It’s so true small businesses are being so negatively impacted by all that’s going on right now 🙁
I love the unique finds in our local store too 🙂
I agree with this post so much! Supporting small businesses is incredibly important, especially in the horrible time we’re in currently xx
A Sustainably Simple Life
Thanks, Della 🙂
I love shopping small businesses/local. It definitley means more to them when they get a sale than a big corporation, doesn’t it? I also find that you have a better experience, and they are more likely to help with your order if and when you need it. It is even more important given what is happening in the world at the moment too!
Thanks for sharing!
Aimsy xoxo
A Sustainably Simple Life
I so agree! It’s a much more personalized and enjoyable experience with small businesses. So awesome you are shopping small and local too 🙂
Yes! I love supporting small businesses. Small businesses are the basis of the American dream! I want to help them not only survive, but thrive. Thank you!
A Sustainably Simple Life
Love the thought of helping businesses not just survive, but thrive 🙂
Kelly Diane
This is such a great post. Supporting small businesses gives you such a buzz because you know you have personally put a smile on the owners face.
A Sustainably Simple Life
So true! It’s such a great feeling to know you’re directly supporting someone and their family 🙂